2020 Has Given Working Moms All That It Can

Miss Sarah Cumulus Media


A new piece from Huffpost.com explains how American women who are juggling homeschooling children and their jobs, are completely depleted.

Women are taking an active role in teaching their children while schools are closed due to COVID-19, their working from home, and still maintaining household duties.

Anxiety in women is up forty percent than pre-COVID and ultimately more women are clinically depressed, anxious, and exhausted.

On the bright side, women enjoy the time they have with their family but wish for a lifeline, like the “pods” communities are creating that allows a small group of children to learn together.

If you are needing any help, Family Service and Guidance Center is a great resource. You can CLICK HERE for more info.

How has COVID-19 affected you in a positive way? How are you dealing with the negative effects of COVID-19?
