Drinking Green Tea, Rather Than Black, May Help You Live Longer, New Study Suggests

A new study suggests that drinking green tea may be more beneficial to your health than drinking black tea.

Chinese researchers have found that drinking tea three times a week could lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, prolonging one’s life.

100,902 Chinese tea drinkers along with non-tea drinkers were surveyed over a seven-year period with research favoring men over women due to 48 percent of the males being regular tea drinkers versus 20 percent of women who drank tea regularly.

The research does have its critics with some saying tea compounds may be beneficial but more investigation is needed. Although the study does strengthen the evidence that regular tea drinking can lead to better cardiovascular health, it doesn’t prove that drinking tea alone is responsible for better health and longer life.

How often do you drink tea? Are you a fan of green tea?
