Ten Tips To Keep Your Resolution

We are very close to saying goodbye to 2019. Any New Years resolutions set yet? Yes, we all set those lofty goals, but we never make them.

There is a human behavioral and psychological performance expert name Dr. Alok Trivedi. He has written a book that is title ‘Chasing Success.’  

There are 10 tips that he suggests we do when it comes to keeping our New Years goals. According to an email that was sent out, here they are:

  1. Smaller is better: Instead of going for a 30 pound weight loss, go smaller and say 10.
  2. Don’t tell your goals to anyone: If you keep your goals to yourself, you are more likely to succeed.
  3. Worry about your goals and not someone else’s: Everyone wants to save money. Do you really want to do that, or are you just following the leader. Set your own goals.
  4. Figure out why you fail at your goals: Failing is part of learning. If you keep failing over and over, then change what you are doing.
  5. Experience is more important: It is great to hit the goal, but experiences along the way should be embraced.
  6. You will experience some difficulties: The road to success is not an easy one. There will be some bumps that you will have to go through. Know that those will happen and don’t give up.
  7. Negativity can help you: Huh? I thought negativity is bad. Well, so is all positive talk. If you have negative thoughts, it is OK. Being realistic is better than living in a fantasy world.
  8. Why Not?: We all know why we need to go after our goals. But, what about the reasons we don’t? Maybe once we figure out why we say why not, then we can move forward with progress.
  9. Don’t use a vision board: Looking at pictures of super ripped men and women when you are having problems reaching a goal is bad for you.
  10. Why wait? Just because it is called a New Years resolution, you don’t have to wait till the beginning of January. Start now!

Hopefully these tips will get you to the next level. Try your best, and remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
