Study: Women More Likely to Die in Crashes than Men

Women are more likely to die in car accidents than men.

That’s according to a new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, which reveals women are between 20 percent and 28 percent more likely than men to lose their lives in a crash. Along that same line, women are between 37 percent and 73 percent more likely to suffer serious injuries in a car accident, per the study.

However, the difference has little to do with driving ability, says the Insurance Institute’s Jessica Jermakian. She says men tend to favor larger vehicles — like mid-size cars and pickup trucks — while women go for small SUVs and compact cars. “Between vehicle classes like a mid-size car and a small car, when those two impact each other, the mid-size car is going to win,” Jermakian says. “It’s heavier, and the physics doesn’t change.”

Do the types of vehicles you and your spouse drive reflect Jermakian’s comments? Are you a better driver than your spouse?
