What To Do If You’re In The Middle Of A Power Outage

Arctic cold is wreaking havoc across a big portion of the U.S, especially here in Northeast Kansas, and is causing power outages in several states.

Here are some tips on what you should do if you’re caught without any power.

  • Stay Home – The CDC states that staying indoors is best during a power outage.
  • Make sure you have essentials – Food/water (a three to seven day supply), flashlight and extra batteries, first aid kit, extra medicine.
  • Stay Warm – Layer up – In the extreme cold it’s advised to wear at least three layers of tops under an outer layer, two layers of bottoms,and a hat and gloves.
  • Be careful of carbon monoxide – If you’re using a generator be sure to keep it outside at least 20 feet away from your home.
  • Conserve power while you have it – turn off and unplug nonessential lights and appliances.
  • Check on loved ones.
  • Keep your pets warm.

If you experience a power outage, here is the link to Evergy’s outage map.



